Thursday, January 20, 2011

The End of Interim Term

Interim Term was awesome. I liked it because not only did I have fun classes, but I also met a lot of new teachers. Kinkaid is pretty unique for having an Interim Term. One of my favorite parts of Interim Term was the break in between classes. Instead of a five minute break in between class, we had a ten minute break. This was great because we could go to the cafeteria in between class and get a snack.  I thought I was going to get bad classes since juniors and sophomores get to pick their classes before the freshmen. It turns out I was one of the few people in the grade who got good classes. During first and second period I have American Top Films with Ms. Offenhauser. That is probably my favorite class because we watch a lot of classic and historical movies. The first movie we watched was Gone With the Wind, which was made in 1939. Most of the kids in our class didn't like it including me because it was very long and boring. Recently we watched Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope. Everyone liked it because it was more modern and there was a lot of action in it. I liked this class a lot because we watched a lot of movies that I had not seen and a lot of them were pretty good. After class I would go get a snack and head over to third period, Experimental Psychology with Dr. Bowe. In this class we looked at illusions, studied how the brain works, tested how different spots on our body have a better or worse sense of feel, and watched videos of how people respond to activities under pressure. For our last week we have been doing group projects. Our group is doing it on the Placebo Effect. Last period I have Read for the Fun of It. I like this because it is a good way to end the school day and relax. Also, over these three weeks I have been doing drivers education which starts at 7:15am and then after school around 3:30. It's way too early in the morning. Interim term is a great way to comeback from winter break.

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